Thursday, June 20, 2013

Angels By My Side

* Sent in by Angela Hogan

Angels have always been very real to me, and I’ve been able to sense and see them for as long as I can remember.  In fact I see all kinds of entities and energies of the spiritual realm every day of my life, and to me it is just part of the package.

When I listen to my angels, guides and intuition all seems to fall into place for me.  I turn to them in times of both trouble and happiness and they are always with me.

My angels give me signs and signals when I need to pay attention to something or if I’m heading in the wrong direction, they guide me to make the best decisions and choices, and also alert me to danger or wrongs.  When out driving I always ask for protection for myself and all other road users, and ask them to deliver me to my destination safely and in good time.  When I go shopping I always ask for help to find what I need for the best prices.

I ask my angels to help me rest and sleep at night, and I ask them to help me with my work during the day.  When I’m looking for something or am having trouble finding what I’m looking for, I ask my angels to give me signs or clues as to its whereabouts.  Sometimes I am led intuitively and other times I can hear the answer audibly.

Sometimes the angels give me little fits to let me know that they are around me, such as heart-shaped stones and pebbles and white feathers.  I often find them in the most unusual of places, but I always know where and why they came from, and I always thank them and feel blessed upon receiving them.
With the wide-spread spiritual awakening taking place on the Earthplane at this time, hopefully more and more people will open themselves up to the reality of angels, Archangels and Ascended Masters and will allow them into their hearts and lives.

God Bless :)

* Sent in by Angela Hogan


  1. Hello,
    Thats beautifal. My twin sister sees them as well. I am a physical empath so i feel them and i know they are very real. That is beautifal that you could see them. I hope to see them one day. Blessings!

  2. Thank you for sharing your story.I also have experienced many of the things that you have shared..ANGELS ARE REAL!

  3. Thank you for sharing your story.I also have experienced many of the things that you have shared..ANGELS ARE REAL!

  4. This helps me with all my questions. I can now be at rest. Knowing that my feelings are true. That these senses are real, this visions are real. Most of all that the voices I am hearing aren't me losing the best part of my mind. I do have a gift and everyone around me is wrong. My search for my answers can now lay at rest. I can now be the full me to my utmost true potential and I can now clean my life up properly and be myself. I've got 3 rocks/pebbles I carry in my collection; one was found about a year in a half ago by my oldest daughter, it's a tan heart shaped rock. Another, about one year ago, by my middle daughter, it's a off white pebble with a dark brown center, the brown is shaped like a heart. Then, one by me, about 3 months ago with all of these colors in them, tan, brown and off white, also a heart shaped pebble. I am always seeing the angel numbers 112 11 1 333 444 222 111 17 1117 888(once) and my birthday is 11-17-1989. I ask for their help and they do help me everyday of my life. They've helped me through a horrible experience at my moms old house when posession took place. Only to later find out that my mother is who it was living through and she would soon had turn on me. I've even got a video that I still have that there is a dark orb that passes me in. Which u can see the color of the wall behind me through my hair and this shadow is clearly a circle. When I stop the video and pause on this orb it looks to be a man screaming with anger. On 11-17-2016 this angry orb made it's way into me and choked me from the inside of my body right in front of my mother. She looks at me with huge intriguing yet worried eyes. I felt like I was in a movie. A bad movie. So scary that I had no clue what to do. I became homeless shortly there after and I have been protected by my Angel's and my kids as well.
